Enrichment for your kids!
Circus, Art & Nature Program
April 5th ~ April 9th (NY Spring Recess)
April 12th ~ April 16th (VT Spring Recess)
9am ~ 3pm daily
Elementary & Middle School age children
Discover the many signs of Spring . . .
Hike and explore the woods, the meadow, the gardens and the ponds and begin our 2010 bird inventory to add a chapter in our nature journals.
For our culinary curriculum, we'll try some serious confectionery art using our favorite sculpture medium, modeling fondant. Each child will bake and decorate a Spring-themed cake to bring home.
In the Big Yurt/Mini Top, learn bird inspired flying partner acrobatics and practice basic circus skills.
End each day with storytelling or song
We look forward to celebrating Spring at Pompanuck with the children!
Group size is limited so please sign up early!
Cost is $165 for registration by March 27th and $180, thereafter
Optional Extended Hours:
3pm ~4pm (1hr): $35/week or 3pm~5pm (2hrs): $65/week
To register, please complete the following forms, and send to info@pompanuck.org or mail:
Pompanuck Farm Institute
494 Chestnut Hill Road
Cambridge NY 12816
If you have any questions, feel free to call 518-677-5552
Pompanuck is a 501c3 eco-educational not-for-profit.
We accept credit cards, personal checks or cash for payment.
You are welcome to inquire about availability of scholarships.