Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring Vacation Enrichment Program 2016

Spring Adventures in the 

Round House Kitchen 

and Pompanuck Farm

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 25, 26 and 27, 2016
9:00am - 2:30pm daily.

Thanks to a grant from Stewart’s Corporation, Pompanuck Farm is offering three days of kids cooking, hiking and “making” adventures during the school vacation week.

Dates are Mon, Tues and Wed,  April 25, 26 and 27, from 9:00am to 2:30pm each day. The program is is open to all children of elementary school age with an enrollment limit of 20 students.  The cost is $30 per day or $80 for all three days. All meals and materials are included.

Each day we will plan, make, serve, eat and clean up a snack and a lunch while learning a lot about food. Between cooking and baking time we’ll explore the woods, ponds and streams around Pompanuck Farm, play outdoor games and enjoy quiet times in the Round House.

Program leaders are Lisa and Scott Carrino, teachers and food enthusiasts andveteran Round House Bakery staff members, Colleen McAvoy and Emily Davis.

You may register one of three ways:
__call Pompanuck Farm at 677-5552
__email Lisa Carrino at and we will send you registration forms or 
__register online here:

Please contact us before registering if your child has food allergies.

Pompanuck Farm is a 501c3 not for profit educational institution.

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